Local Outreach


All of our church ministries and events are outreaches to one another and to the community.  We have a number of events and services that reach out beyond our church walls to bless others in a variety of ways. 

Local Outreach Project

BAGGIE PACKS  Thank you to all who helped put together “Baggie Packs” filled with toiletries for those in need locally.  We are distributing them now to those in need.

Thank you!


Foreign Missions

We support of a number of foreign missionaries and missions, including orphanages, with work in Africa, India, Mexico, Brazil, Italy, and Taiwan.

We also support our own church body members as they serve as short-term (or long-term) missionaries in countries including Mexico, USA, Taiwan, Italy, China, S. Korea, Romania, and Hungary.

Foreign Missionaries from our church…

In addition to the regular foreign missions we support, we have those from our own church who have served in foreign missions. We have had many serve short-term missions terms and have sponsored many missions trips for youth and young adults over the years - both to foreign countries and to remote areas of our own country.

Presently, SHANNON TOSTADO is now in Budapest, Hungary, for a two-year term. Please remember to pray for her; and thank you for your continued financial support.


If you would like to contribute to missions - foreign or local - please designate as much along with your offering. You may designate a particular missionary or missions in general. Designated giving will go to the missionary stated; undesignated missionary giving will be divided amongst all those we support or, should there be a missions area of immediate critical need, a greater amount may be forwarded to that need.

Missions Offerings may be sent to: Christian Life Center, 710 Browning St., Redding, CA 96003. Please designate “missions” on your offering.

Thank you and God bless you.
