October is Missions Month at Christian Life Center

Missions Month at Christian Life Center


For decades now, October has been designated as “Missions Month” at our church.  We have focused on missionary efforts – both locally and globally – and on raising funds for the work being done all around the world, from our doorstep to foreign countries. The missionaries we regularly  support are posted on a map in the foyer and we have pledged to pray for them and to be faithful in sending financial support.  We also lift up other missionaries and mission works,  that the Gospel of Jesus Christ will continue to be preached and lives will be saved and changed in all parts of the world.


While we look at the world, we cannot close our eyes to the need in our country.  We do -  and will continue to – support missionaries in foreign countries.  But we cannot ignore the need right here.  America has moved from being a Christian nation.  We need revival.  We, as God’s people, need to realize our part in reaching the lost in this land.


First, we need to pray – really pray – as in  2 Chronicles 7:14.  We need to remember that WE are strangers and pilgrims in this world (1 Peter 2:11, Hebrews 11:13.)  We can consider ourselves to be living in a foreign land.   WE have a purpose, a mandate, given to us in this foreign land. It is the task of preaching the Gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15.)  We are given the ministry of reconciling the world to Christ; and we have been given a title in this foreign land – WE are called “ambassadors for Christ”  (2 Corinthians 5:18-20.)


This year, as we continue to support missionaries serving in other countries, let’s acknowledge that we also are missionaries, and live accordingly. Let’s remember we are ambassadors for Christ – we work for His kingdom!  We refer to places difficult to break through mindsets & worldly thinking to spread the Gospel as being “hard soil.”   Our land is “hard soil” in so many ways.  We are called to be missionaries, ambassadors for Christ, right here – even in “hard soil.”  Do what missionaries do – pray, ask the Lord for opportunity, wisdom, and anointing.  Amen!


As we enter into the autumn season, we can see and sense the changes in the natural world.  The temperatures are slowly cooling, the days are growing shorter, we ourselves begin to focus on what is coming ahead. These days, there are also many changes in our nation and in the world which weigh upon our thoughts and lives and emotions.  There is a sense of uncertainty that seems to pervade the atmosphere and, along with it, the temptation to entertain anxiety in our minds.

 So many changes hit us throughout our lives.  Some are regular, seasonal, or expected.  But others are none of the above and can throw our lives into what we feel is chaos, bringing on insecurity and even a lack of hope. In those times we are reminded that there is nothing in this world which we can absolutely count on.

 We need something, or someone, secure we can count on – one that will not give way in times of unexpected events; one that will be our anchor and keep us oriented and filled with hope.  I know such a One! 

 Psalm 18:2 says, “The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.”

 The Word of God is filled with reminders of the security and hope we have in the Lord.  When we turn to Him in the midst of trials and tragedies, we find He is our Rock, our Help, and the One who gives us focus and hope in the middle of the storm.  He can calm the sea in a Word; or call us to walk on the water.

My God…my strength…my stronghold…


We are already embarking upon another turn of the calendar page and the year 2023!  Although we can make changes in our lives any day, any moment, a new year on our calendar offers a time to think back on the previous year and take a minute to reflect on how we lived and what we did (or did not do) in the past twelve months.

What do we rejoice in…or regret?  What was accomplished, or what would we have done differently if we had the opportunity to do it over?


So many times we purpose with great hope and expectation to be better, live better, accomplish more in the year ahead.  That is admirable, good, ambitious.  But let us not forget the plans of the Lord for our lives and let us remember that without His leading and direction, our work will not have the full effect we so desire.  Even with all of our good intentions, without Jesus we can accomplish nothing that is worth pouring our lives into, nothing that will last for eternity.  In John 15:5, Jesus says, “I am the vine, you are the branches.  He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”  That is pretty direct - straightforward! 


Therefore, our first item of business is to abide in Jesus.  We need to purpose to find our life in Him – not outside of Him.  We sing, “Jesus be the center of it all,” but sometimes we don’t even consider Him as we make our plans.  We leave Him on the “Sunday list” and live the rest of the week just calling upon Him if we run into trouble or have a special need.  But He wants to give us purpose.  He wants to be the reason we do what we do.  He wants us to live in such a way that we rely upon His Word and His Spirit to lead us and bring life to us and those around us and to all we do –  because without Him we can do nothing! 


We’ve said it often – and again every year during our Missions Month services and events - but it seems it has never been more true.  Just like all the other countries of the world, America needs missionaries! God has a place for you to be His voice and hands and feet right here.  So how do you get started?


Pray – Pray for hearts to be turned toward God; pray for YOU to be aware of opportunity to share the Gospel; pray for your church that God will direct all to fulfill what He desires in order to reach America.


Remember WHO and WHOSE you are! You are chosen, ordained, anointed to fulfill Kingdom purpose.  You are a pilgrim passing through this land – this is not your eternal home – you are an ambassador of the Kingdom of God – representing  the King of Kings.  You have been bought with a price and you belong to Jesus. That’s WHO you are and that is WHOSE you are.


Be a faithful, supportive, active part of the body of Christ in your local church.  Be present.  Be reliable. Offer to help.  Give.  And why…?


The world is reached through the ministry of the church  - the outpouring of God’s love, preaching,  discipling, and training.  Build up the local church.  Serve right where you are.  Does your church (which is a mission in itself and is also a body through which Christ will reach the world) have any needs?  Are you supporting your church with your resources? Are you willing to be trained and faithful and committed?  Is there something missing which you can supply?  Watch and see what God will not only do through you, but in you as you serve right there!  Not everyone can do the same thing, but it takes all the players to score and it takes the whole body together to move forward. 


We do support missions all over the world.  But we do also recognize we have a no-less-worthy call to “Missions” right here, right now.   


Will you pray and consider what God would have you do?


As I direct my mind to think about Missions Month, it calls to remembrance the celebrations and services of past years here at Christian Life Center. I can almost hear our congregation passionately joining together in song, “We speak to nations, be open; We speak to nations, fall on your knees,” or “Let Your glory fall in this room, let it go forth from here to the nations…” Yes, fervently believing we could and should be an active part of preaching Jesus in all the world.

One of the unfortunate side effects of this year’s coronavirus event is the potential for self-absorption and self-preservation. It can – and has in many cases – made people feel helpless, alone, fearful; and has put their eyes and focus on looking out for their own interests. (Not in all cases, however, as we have seen some novel humanitarian acts and philanthropy.) As Christians, we are not helpless and alone and we have our Heavenly Father looking out for us. Beyond mere worldly concerns, our eyes see eternity. And beyond mere humanitarian efforts, our concern for others extends to see as most important the need for all to know our Savior Jesus Christ and enter into Kingdom life and living – here and now – and for eternity. We are not limited by the dictates nor resources of this world and we are not motivated as much by temporal needs as we are by our relationship with Jesus Christ and with eternity in mind.

We are called to reach the world even when our world has been disturbed. How do we accomplish that when we ourselves are breathing ash-filled air, feel subdued by political systems, may be suffering in body or mind or emotion or have needs of our own? How do we refocus?

We have to remember who we are and Whose we are. Ephesians 2:4-6 says, “But because of His great love for us, God…made us alive with Christ…it is by grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.” We are not “under” the limitations of the world. We are not to let the things of this world take away who we are, our position in Christ, and His commission for our lives.

We have to know what we are supposed to be doing. Matthew 28:19-20 says “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.” We have been given directions. Wherever we go…spread the Good News…preach, heal, set people free, cast out the works of darkness, point people to Jesus. We are His witnesses.

We have to be empowered by the Holy Spirit. We have to know we cannot – and are not supposed to try – to do God’s work on our own. We can’t do God’s work without God! When Jesus spoke to those gathered at His ascension, He not only told them to go preach the Gospel, but He told them to first wait until they received the Holy Ghost – Holy Spirit – empowering them to do so! Luke 24:49: “I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.” We have to remember that our mission is not accomplished by flesh and blood, not by horses and chariots, not by our own strength; but by the Spirit of God. We need only read the book of Acts to see what kind of explosion of the Gospel followed the Day of Pentecost. God is not limited by our own personal lack. That’s when He shows up to do what only He can do. Zechariah 4:6: “ ‘Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord of Hosts.”

We can’t be moved by apparent circumstances. Paul was in prison, Nehemiah was lied about, Daniel was thrown in the lion’s den; there was the fiery furnace, Moses at the Red Sea with his whole congregation, old Abraham becoming a dad… We have to know that what God says is…IS. The I AM says what’s up! If we partner with the Lord, do what He says (even when it seems silly…I mean who would fight a battle by marching around a wall? or wage war by singing praises?), the I AM will go before us, make a way, provide, empower.

Yes, perhaps we have felt a little deflated the past months – maybe in the natural we feel “little” or unimportant, irrelevant. But the church is still the body through which God has chosen to make Himself known here on earth. And you and I are “the church.” He asks us to preach, heal, unloose chains, cast out demons and point people to Him. Sometimes we speak and sometimes we help provide for others who have been called and sent into specific areas or nations with the message of the Gospel.

We have a purpose, a mission. We are not powerless and helpless when the Holy Spirit lives in us. We belong to Jesus Christ and He has asked us to operate in His Name – His authority. Let’s not shirk back and gather up what we can to preserve a meager existence, but let’s hear our call, ask “how?” and then follow the Lord; as we are empowered by His Holy Spirit.

I hear more tunes now…“Here am I, send me to the nations, as an ambassador for You…” and very personally and for each one of us…

“Yes, Lord, yes, to Your will and to Your way.”

I’ll say, “Yes, Lord, Yes. I will trust You and obey.”

When Your Spirit speaks to me, with my whole heart I’ll agree,

And my answer will be “Yes, Lord, yes.”


After a blessed and anointed time of live worship and prayer just last Wednesday night, we regretfully must inform you we will not be able to hold live, in-person church services as we have in the past for an undetermined number of days now. Due to coronavirus concerns and restrictions, and the ensuing legalities of such, our schedule now has to be altered. This is uncomfortable and inconvenient, but will not last forever.

We ourselves feel the disappointment and sense of being alone that comes with not being able to regularly meet as we have. I find myself quoting Psalm 43:5 as a reminder that we have help and hope in the Lord: “Why are you downcast, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; for I shall yet praise Him, the help of my countenance and my God.”

We know the Savior, Healer, Provider, Shepherd, Peace, Way-Maker, and King of all Kings. He has no equal, He has no rival, He alone reigns. And remember, we can call upon Jesus Christ at any time and at all times. We know where to go and on Whom to call in the time of trouble. We, of all people, have hope - regardless of what life seems to bring us.

During this time of crisis in our nation and world, naturally men’s thoughts move toward making sense of all of this, questioning life, wondering what is happening, thinking about their own mortality - and their eternal souls. We are still the church. We are still God’s people - and during this time we should be ready to point others to Jesus Christ as the opportunity presents itself. We can be of service now “for such a time as this.”

The church needs to stay strong and ready and alive through it all. it is our job to lift up Jesus Christ in our own hearts, minds, lives, and homes. The result is that we will be a witness, a light, to those around us. WE are the church - YOU are the church.

Christian Life Center needs to stay strong and alive. How can we all help with that?

We all need to give in prayer, time, and resources. Please pray for God to quickly work and move in this time of crisis - not only to heal physically - but to call men to repentance through it all. Take time in the presence of God. Take time to check in and check on one another. Give of your resources. Please be faithful in your tithing and offerings. Please do not use this time as an excuse to withhold from the Lord and God’s house that which belongs to Him. We are still paying bills, purchasing curriculum, preparing for future ministry, trying to get our kids and youth to camp, and have missionaries depending on our giving. But besides all of that, tithing is personal. When we give to the Lord, we acknowledge His place in our lives. He is Lord, He is worthy. He is our Provider. I would rather have 90% [or less] with His blessing than 100% without it. If you are not a regular tither, maybe this would be a good time to determine that, even as the world is shaken, making God’s priorities your priorities is a more secure way to conduct business.

We want you to know that we are available and you are encouraged to call us with needs, prayer requests, praise reports, anything - and that we will still be at the church most days. Yes, you can come by and stop in and pray. We are still this local body of Christ and we need to stay connected.

God bless you all, church family. If you need anything or just want to talk, please don’t hesitate to call. We love you.

Pastor Davis and Darlene

Looking for a church home? We are looking for YOU!

So you’re part of the family of God – or want to be – but don’t have a group to fellowship with?  Believe it or not, you are not alone!  Even though it seems there are churches everywhere, it is difficult to know how to start attending one.  Let’s face it.  It is kind of scary to go to a new place – especially a church - and not know what to expect.