After a blessed and anointed time of live worship and prayer just last Wednesday night, we regretfully must inform you we will not be able to hold live, in-person church services as we have in the past for an undetermined number of days now. Due to coronavirus concerns and restrictions, and the ensuing legalities of such, our schedule now has to be altered. This is uncomfortable and inconvenient, but will not last forever.
We ourselves feel the disappointment and sense of being alone that comes with not being able to regularly meet as we have. I find myself quoting Psalm 43:5 as a reminder that we have help and hope in the Lord: “Why are you downcast, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; for I shall yet praise Him, the help of my countenance and my God.”
We know the Savior, Healer, Provider, Shepherd, Peace, Way-Maker, and King of all Kings. He has no equal, He has no rival, He alone reigns. And remember, we can call upon Jesus Christ at any time and at all times. We know where to go and on Whom to call in the time of trouble. We, of all people, have hope - regardless of what life seems to bring us.
During this time of crisis in our nation and world, naturally men’s thoughts move toward making sense of all of this, questioning life, wondering what is happening, thinking about their own mortality - and their eternal souls. We are still the church. We are still God’s people - and during this time we should be ready to point others to Jesus Christ as the opportunity presents itself. We can be of service now “for such a time as this.”
The church needs to stay strong and ready and alive through it all. it is our job to lift up Jesus Christ in our own hearts, minds, lives, and homes. The result is that we will be a witness, a light, to those around us. WE are the church - YOU are the church.
Christian Life Center needs to stay strong and alive. How can we all help with that?
We all need to give in prayer, time, and resources. Please pray for God to quickly work and move in this time of crisis - not only to heal physically - but to call men to repentance through it all. Take time in the presence of God. Take time to check in and check on one another. Give of your resources. Please be faithful in your tithing and offerings. Please do not use this time as an excuse to withhold from the Lord and God’s house that which belongs to Him. We are still paying bills, purchasing curriculum, preparing for future ministry, trying to get our kids and youth to camp, and have missionaries depending on our giving. But besides all of that, tithing is personal. When we give to the Lord, we acknowledge His place in our lives. He is Lord, He is worthy. He is our Provider. I would rather have 90% [or less] with His blessing than 100% without it. If you are not a regular tither, maybe this would be a good time to determine that, even as the world is shaken, making God’s priorities your priorities is a more secure way to conduct business.
We want you to know that we are available and you are encouraged to call us with needs, prayer requests, praise reports, anything - and that we will still be at the church most days. Yes, you can come by and stop in and pray. We are still this local body of Christ and we need to stay connected.
God bless you all, church family. If you need anything or just want to talk, please don’t hesitate to call. We love you.
Pastor Davis and Darlene